Free Wi-Fi multilingual information platform ‘Japan Finder’ launched
All Japan Internationalization Solutions (AJIS) LLC on Thursday launched anmultilingual information platform “Japan Finder” ( allows users to get quick access to travel, gourmet, food and products,nentertainment, business and other attractive information about Japan.
To heighten user-friendliness, the platform highlights free “Travel Japan Wi-Fi”nconnection in conjunction with Wire and Wireless Co, smartphone tour planner and navigation system, telephone three-party interpretation, coupon delivery and other useful tools.
As its near-term plan to improve the site’s functions, AJIS is set to developncross-border online shop to sell “Made in Japan” goods, hotel reservation systemnand a blog community for foreign nationals living in Japan to communicate charmsnof Japan. It also plans to collaborate with local governments and companies toncreate and offer new tour packages.
The platform is one of the two pillars of the AJIS project to help Japanesenlocal authorities as well as companies to increase foreign customers and improvenhospitality services. AJIS was established in July by Park24 Co, which offersnrental car, parking and other services, and seven other companies.
The other pillar involves telephone three-party interpretation, making foreign-nlanguage menus and other services to Japanese companies and local authorities tonhelp them internationalize. PR solutions will also be offered, including “push”ndelivery of coupons and information, distribution of overseas press release,narrangement of foreign press tours, publication of free papers, to contribute tonincreasing foreign customers. Solutions to assist startup firms and othernsmaller companies enter foreign markets and promote overseas business will alsonbe promoted.
As its mission, AJIS aims at contributing to “regional revitalization andndevelopment of startups and smaller companies,” and assistingninternationalization of local authorities and companies as well as smallernbusinesses.
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