Docomo, Jasper Wireless tie up to power M2M in Japan
Jasper Wireless, the leading connected devices platform for machine-to-machine (M2M) and consumer electronics, today announced an agreement with NTT Docomo to wirelessly connect machine-to-machine (M2M) and consumer electronics devices across Japan.
The Jasper Wireless platform will provide Docomo with the applications and services necessary to accelerate market entry of new categories of connected devices on its network and profitably connect and manage a range of embedded wireless devices. Jasper Wireless’ ability extends to a variety of M2M connections including but not limited to telematics, consumer electronics and m-health.
“The Japanese market has always been at the forefront of innovation in connected consumer electronics and advancements in the automotive industry – and Docomo has always been at the vanguard of commercializing new opportunities in mobile communications,” said Cindy Patterson, executive vice president, worldwide sales, Jasper Wireless.
As consumer electronics and M2M devices come to market with embedded connectivity, market success depends on finding the right business models to service different verticals and consumers globally. Jasper Wireless has developed the applications and services that support highly flexible business models as well as the automation of operational processes, including custom device provisioning, instant activation, real-time diagnostic tools and detailed billing and usage reports, ensuring a superior out-of-box end-user experience.
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