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Japan Today launches WDT’s map-based interactive weather service


Weather Decision Technologies, Inc (WDT), and GPlusMedia Co, Ltd have launched an advanced map-based interactive weather service which allows its international online audience to explore local Japan weather conditions throughout the country and in major cities across the world on Google Maps.


iMapWeather offers web portals, major destination sites and affinity sites the most comprehensive array of global forecasts and nowcasts available today, in a user friendly flash module which can be easily embedded into any website, with local customization.


“iMap provides a whole new way for our key audiences to interact with Local weather, offering a variety of attractive applications ranging from current conditions to forecasts, to lightning strikes, ship and buoy weather data, current weather in major international cities, and much more,” said Peter Wilson, managing director of GPlusMedia. “We are delighted to provide weather in a user-friendly format which allows our international web users to explore the weather in Japan and internationally in a really dynamic way, all on a single Google Map.”


iMap Weather includes: Powerful GeoPlex Technology for global weather data on Google Maps, a “Click Anywhere” function on interactive maps to view current conditions and forecasting, easy zoom-in and out, right down to street level, and full customization of the iMap flash module to match company brands and the desired user experience.


WDT and GPlusMedia are now “live” with interactive weather application appearing prominently on Japan Today’s site at http://www.japantoday.com/weather. The flash module not only attracts visitors seeking dynamic weather information but leads to increased time-on-site, a critical factor in web page advertising performance and analytics. As a collaborative arrangement, Japan Today is also promoting WDT’s special global marine weather application, ClearPoint Weather, by linking its viewers to http://www.clearpointweather.com.


“iMap Weather offers media and web companies a full suite of weather applications with state-of-the-science, precipitation, temperature, Nowcasts and forecasts, as well as ship and buoy data,” said Mike Eilts, president and CEO of WDT. “Japan Today’s innovative consumer website helps us bring the advantages of iMap Weather to audiences in and out of Japan.”

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