JMA exec: State of emergency likely to remain after May 6

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The state of emergency declared to control the COVID-19 outbreak will likely be extended beyond the government’s targeted deadline of May 6, an executive board member of the Japan Medical Association said.
“It will be difficult to start reducing the subjected areas under the (state of emergency),” Satoshi Kamayachi, who also sits on the government panel of experts dealing with the novel coronavirus crisis, said at a news conference on April 28.
Although the state of emergency covers the entire country, Tokyo and 12 prefectures are currently listed as areas where special precautions against the virus need to be taken.
Kamayachi said the level of precautions may be reduced depending on each area’s situation.
The government should “analyze the current situation and hold discussions on whether such special restrictions should be lifted,” he said.
Asked if his opinion was shared among other JMA members, Kamayachi said, “We all agreed.”
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