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JR East launching app that will allow for real-time tracking of train services


JR East has announced plans to launch a smartphone application that will allow customers to track the arrival status of trains, the interior temperature of the cars, and even the level of passenger congestion at any given time.


The “JR East Japan App” is scheduled to launch on March 10, Sankei Shimbun reported. Functions of the app include tracking the location of trains, travel updates and announcements from JR, as well as any delays that might occur. The application will even allow for someone to track the congestion and the internal temperature of one particular train on the Yamanote line in Tokyo.


Furthermore, the app will provide detailed information on the 1,700-plus train stations located in the Tokyo metropolitan area, including both location and availability of storage lockers inside the stations.


The app will be free to consumers (excluding data and texting charges), even as JR East Japan plans to continue expanding the available services in the near future.

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