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K computer No. 1 in four benchmarks at HPC Challenge Awards


RIKEN, the University of Tsukuba, and Fujitsu Limited announced Thursday that they received top-ranking in all four benchmarks for the performance results of the K computer at the 2011 HPC Challenge Awards.


The awards were announced on Nov 15 at SC11, the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis taking place in Seattle.


The first-place rankings in the HPC Challenge Awards were received in the following four benchmarks used for evaluating the all-around performance of a supercomputer: 1) Global HPL; 2) Global RandomAccess; 3) EP STREAM (Triad) per system; and 4) Global FFT.


RIKEN said the HPC Challenge Awards demonstrate that, in addition to achieving successive top-place rankings on the June and November 2011 editions of the TOP500 list measuring LINPACK computational speed, the K computer is evaluated very highly in all-around performance as a general-purpose supercomputer.


The K computer is currently under joint development by RIKEN and Fujitsu.

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