Longman Dictionary of 100,000 Words available both for iPhone/iPod touch and Android
The Longman Dictionary of 100,000 Words (English-Chinese & Chinese-English) Powered by Dejizo is now available both for iPhone/iPod touch and Android. The dictionary is designed to meet the needs of English and Chinese learners. It also serves as an invaluable guide to writing, reading and speaking the two languages.
Dejizo is a dictionary application and server platform developed by EAST Co Ltd in Japan, and Longman Dictionary of 100,000 Words works as its built-in dictionary.
Besides Longman Dictionary of 100,000 Words, online Wikipedia can be used in the same software. The dictionary includes natural English pronunciation for about 20,000 major headwords in American and British English (iPhone/iPod touch only). The pronunciation can be played back without interrupting music or podcast being played on iPhone/ iPod touch.
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