MHI wins orders for state-of-the-art gas turbines from Korea
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) has received a series of orders for its state-of-the-art M501J gas turbines, 10 units in total, for installation at four power plants in South Korea.
The plants are large-scale natural-gas-fired gas turbine combined-cycle (GTCC) power generation facilities with generation capacities ranging from near 950 to 1,900 megawatts (MW). MHI’s J-Series gas turbines have achieved the world’s highest level of thermal efficiency and the highest output.
The 10 gas turbines on order consist of two units each for the Yulchon 2, 2nd-Pyeongtaek and Ulsan 4 power plants and four units for the Dongducheon power plant. All of these plants, which will have a collective power generation capacity reaching near 4,750 MW, are to be newly constructed.
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