Mitsubishi Electric automation solution center opens in Shanghai
Mitsubishi Electric Corp says it has opened the Mitsubishi Electric Automation Solution Center in Shanghai, a one-stop center for sales and service that will strengthen the company’s factory automation solutions business in China.
A large showroom within the 5,000-sq-meter center displays a wide range of Mitsubishi Electric automation products, including controllers, drive products, power distribution and control products, robots, computerized numerical controllers (CNCs), electrical discharging machines (EDMs) and laser processing machines (LPMs). Visitors also can view demonstrations and trial operations of EDMs and LPMs, receive technical advice and arrange for repairs. The center will provide call center services and technical training programs as well.
Located on the premises of Mitsubishi Electric Automation (China) Ltd, a China-based FA sales company wholly owned by the Mitsubishi Electric Group, the Center creates a centralized location for the management of sales and technical support in China.
Rising wages in Shanghai and other areas of east China are prompting manufacturers to accelerate their introduction of automated production. The new center, which is expected to attract some 5,000 visitors per year, strengthens Mitsubishi Electric’s ability to meet China’s need for efficient, multifunctional factories.
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