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Multilingual audio translation broadcasting system to be installed in some train stations

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JR West Japan is currently making efforts to better welcome inbound tourists. As part of such efforts, the company has hired non-Japanese staff, is utilizing iPad translation services, and is offering multilingual announcements onboard trains.


In train stations that welcome many inbound tourists, JR West Japan will be installing the “multilingual audio translation broadcasting system” for the first time in Japan, which is connected to the train stations’ existing broadcasting systems.


The “multilingual audio translation broadcasting system” is comprised of a TOUGHPAD (tablet PC) equipped with Panasonic Corp’s multilingual translation service, “Megahonyaku.” This system can provide preinstalled information on the train station concourses and platforms in English, Chinese, and Korean.


Using this system, JR West said it will enhance the services it provides to inbound tourists.


The system will be installed at Kyoto, Nishikujo, Universal City, Tennoji and Himeji stations from March 30.

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