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NEC car to car communication system takes pole position with industry leaders


NEC’s car to car communication system, being showcased this week at the ITS World Congress in New York, was chosen by leading manufacturers including Daimler, Fiat, Honda, Opel and Volkswagen, at the high profile CAR 2 CAR Communication Forum and Demonstration event held just last month, NEC said in a statement Friday. They used the innovative NEC system as their base platform to demonstrate future car to car communications.


The demonstrations took place at the CAR 2 CAR Communication Consortium (C2C-CC) Forum Oct 22–23 in Dudenhofen, Germany. The event, which was dedicated to increasing road traffic safety through inter-vehicle communications, required nine manufacturers to offer various demonstrations, including hazardous location notification, warnings of approaching vehicles and others. More than half of the vehicle and motorbike communication systems at the demonstration used NEC’s communication platform.


Vehicular communication systems support direct communication between cars and via relays on the roadside or at intersections. Information about emergency situations, traffic accidents or traffic jam updates are shared between cars in real time, providing immediate information that supports driver action, improves safety and reduces anxiety while driving.


The NEC system comprises the LinkBird-MX(TM) platform along with NEC’s C2X-SDK software. It provides car location information to cars passing along the same stretch of road, in addition to direct car-to-car communication and Position Based Routing for Vehicles (PBRV), an ad-hoc routing protocol using geographical position information to optimize a driver’s route over multiple obstacles in real time, based on location information of neighboring cars. The system enables drivers to receive early warnings about accidents and other dangerous situations, which provides more time to react, in addition to traffic jam notices that allow drivers to use alternative routes.


NEC Laboratories Europe has been researching vehicular communication systems in Europe since 2000, thereby actively contributing to the definition of vehicular communication protocols in Europe and beyond.

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