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NYK Line container terminal using next-generation solar cells


An NYK Group company, NYK Trading Corp, has started using CIS solar cells at the NYK Tokyo Container Terminal.


CIS solar cells, which include copper, indium, selenium, or CIS, have been drawing attention as next-generation solar cells because they do not contain silicon, which is in short supply due to excessive demand.


The solar cells have been installed at berths No. 6 and 7 of the Port of Tokyo’s Ohi Container Terminal. NYK leases these berths from the Tokyo Port Terminal Corporation for joint operations with subsidiary companies UNI-X Corporation and Nippon Container Terminals.


This marks the first time that CIS solar cells have been adopted at a domestic terminal in Japan. These large solar photovoltaic cells are environmentally friendly and as a whole system can generate up to 135 kW of electricity.


After the installation of over 1,500 panels, the annual generating capacity will be about 130,000 kWh, which is about one percent of the electric power consumed annually at the terminal.

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