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Toshiba to supply steam turbine/generators for Holcomb expansion project in U.S.


Toshiba Corp, through its U.S. subsidiary Toshiba International Corp, has won a major contract from the Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association Inc, a major utility based in Colorado, and Sunflower Electric Power Corp, a major utility in Kansas, to supply a 971MW supercritical steam turbine and generator for the Holcomb Thermal Power Plant in Kansas, USA. The delivery of the equipment is scheduled for July 2014 and plant operation is expected to start in 2017.


The award of this latest contract reflects Toshiba’s supply record, advanced technical capabilities, equipment reliability and competitiveness. The company supplied the turbine and generator with equivalent specifications required at Holcomb to another major U.S. utility in 2009.


Toshiba has supplied over 90 steam turbine generators for thermal power plants, including plants now under construction, and recorded the largest market share on an order base for the last eight years. The company has recently seen a marked upturn in orders for steam turbines for combined cycle thermal power plants, and expects the cumulative total of orders to surpass 100 units by 2014.

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