Toyota Tsusho Metals deploys IPC’s Unigy trading platform in Nagoya
IPC Systems Inc, a leading provider of voice and electronic trading communications solutions to the world’s top financial services firms, has announced the successful, live implementation of Unigy, its revolutionary new unified trading communications platform, at Toyota Tsusho Metals Ltd (TTM), Branch in Nagoya, a company operating in futures and options trading on the London Metal Exchange.
When TTM sought to review its trading offices communication systems, the firm conducted a competitive assessment of multiple trading system vendors and selected IPC. TTM cited IPC’s industry experience and expertise as well as Unigy’s extremely advanced technologies as key factors in its decision.
“We have selected IPC’s Unigy based on the benefits the platform offers. It was very important to us that the system delivers high quality intercom communication between our Nagoya and London offices with minimum cost involved, and bring together the independent systems that we had been using,” said Kanji Tajima, account executive with Toyota Tsusho Metals Ltd. “The Unigy backroom allows us to quickly deliver new trading connections and voice applications required to support our trading operations.”
Tajima added, “The fact that Unigy enables us to build new communication nodes quickly with minimum cost by providing software gateways and turrets was an important factor in selecting IPC as a communication partner.”
IPC introduced the Unigy solution in March, 2011 as the industry’s first single, open standards Service Oriented Architecture based platform for unified trading communications and applications. At the same time, IPC announced an extensive and powerful portfolio of Unigy-powered hard and soft devices and applications, including the compact and economical IQ/MAX Edge turret.
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