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Whyteboard launches social commerce Facebook application


Whyteboard Inc, a Tokyo-based software development company, has announced the beta launch of its social commerce Facebook application “Whytelist.” The new interactive application leverages Facebook’s social data to promote trust among buyers and sellers, allowing for a more open and safe marketplace. Whytelist also introduces unique social commerce features that go beyond buying and selling. Users will also be able to give away and post items they are interested in buying.


“We are entering a new era of commerce where people take center stage,” said Kazuo Ikari, CEO at Whyteboard. “Whytelist’s proposition is to end anonymity and lead the way to commerce based on trust.”


Whytelist highlights include an open and safer marketplace for users. To join Whytelist users must authenticate themselves by using Facebook Connect. Transactions are done with real people. It also features a buy, sell, giveaway and post a wishlist of items you want.


Ikari said Whytelist is the only social commerce Facebook application that combines these four ways to engage users in transactions. These interactions will generate Whytelist’s “Taste graph,” connecting people based on their choices and likes, he said.


Social features include commenting, suggesting, and sharing listings on Whytelist, Facebook, and Twitter.

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